Cycle of life - Water, Earth and Forest

An educational trip for the students of Middle school and High school on sustainable development, the water and the forests and marshes of central Greece in idyllic surroundings. 

Our Objectives:

  • promote team spirit, encourage responsibility, self-confidence, tolerance and a certain degree of autonomy,
  • work on Sustainable Development, water treatment, pollution of wild habitats through entertaining activities focusing on competences, including maths, physics, biology, history, geography,
  • Practise rock climbing, trekking, cycling and canoeing in the gorges and forests according to your P.E. programme but also try skiing,rafting, orientation, archery, rappel, flying fox on the unspoilt mountains of central Greece..

The Place:

Discover central Greece, the area of Trikala, Elati, Pertouli and Météores, the forests of the region, their cultural heritage, the gastronomy and the beauty of the natural surroundings. 

The dam of Tavropos with its hydroelectric factory, the artificial lake of Plastiras, the forest of Pertouli under the protection of the local University, the monuments of Météores, the rivers of the region offer a variety of activities and pedagogical content to work on with the students but also a vast area to enjoy yourself under the watchful eye of our expert sports team.

Accommodation in the boutique-hotels of Elati with their famous hospitality and meals at the local taverns with local organic products!